Info calibre kohta
Säästa aega oma e-raamatute kogumiku haldamisel
calibre’s user interface is designed to be as simple as possible. Large buttons in the main window take care of most of your needs. The vast number of calibre’s features and options is always clearly displayed under intuitive tabs. Its context menus are neatly sorted, so the things you’re looking for almost find themselves on their own. You’re never more than three clicks away from your goal. It’s the result of years of tweaking calibre’s interface based on users’ feedback. Plus, you can change many aspects of how calibre looks and feels, and try one of the three built-in library views to browse your book collection using covers, titles, tags, authors, publishers, etc.
calibre not only can download all the metadata for an e-book (things like title, author, publisher, ISBN, tags, cover or summary) but will also allow you to edit or create metadata in existing or new fields. That way you can track which books you’ve read and which ones you liked. You can also take advantage of the advanced search and sorting functions that use tags, authors, comments and more. You will find the book you were looking for in seconds!
Kasuta seda kõikjal ja koos kõigega
calibre toetab peaaegu igat e-lugerit ja ühildub iga uuendusega järjest rohkemate seadmetega. Sa saad oma e-raamatuid edastada ühest seadmest teise sekunditega, juhtmevabalt või kaabliga. Ja sul pole selleks muid lisatööriistu vaja. calibre saadab sinu seadme jaoks parima failiformaadi, vajadusel teisendades selle automaatselt.
No matter what PC, laptop or tablet you use, calibre’s got you covered. If you’re traveling and don’t have your device with you – you can take calibre on a USB stick and use it wherever you are. Or run the calibre Content server and read your books anywhere, on any device.
calibre can convert dozens of file types. No matter where you got your e-book from, it’ll be ready for your device in no time. When converting, you can also automatically change the book’s style, create a table of contents or improve punctuation and margins. calibre will also detect the format that’s best suited for your device on its own, so you don’t have to bother.
calibre can also turn your personal documents to e-books or create them from scratch. It can also take all the mundane things that go with it off your plate. It has automatic style helpers and scripts generating the book’s structure. You focus on the content, calibre will take care of the rest.
Põhjalik e-raamatute vaatur
calibre has a built-in e-book viewer that can display all the major e-book formats. It has full support for Table of Contents, highlighting, bookmarks, CSS, read aloud, a reference mode, printing, searching, copying, multi-page view, embedded fonts, and on and on…
Laadi veebist alla uudiseid/ajakirju
calibre saab sul aidata olla maailmas toimuvast teadlik ja automaatselt edastada lood sinu seadmesse sadadest uudiste allikatest nagu The Economist, New York Times, New Yorker Magazine, The Guardian, BBC News, National Geographic, CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Scientific American, Wired Magazine, The Telegraph, Forbes, Ars Technica…
Sa saad ka calibret õpetada uudiseid tõmbama täiesti muudelt saitidelt või lõigata kasu mis tahes RSS-uudistevoost. Ei mingit otsimist, ootamist ega muret.
Jaga ja varunda oma kogusid hõlpsasti
calibre comes with a handy web server to host your library. In just a few moments you can safely share all (or just some) of your e-books with anyone you choose or access them yourself from anywhere, using any device you like. With the server, you can read the books in your calibre library on any phone/tablet using just a browser. It even works offline.
calibrel on ka mõned kasulikud varundamise ja importimise/eksportimise funktsioonid, mis minimaalse sahkerdamisega tagavad sinu raamatute kogumiku turvalisuse ja portatiivsuse.
Muuda oma kogus olevaid raamatuid
For the e-book nerds amongst you, calibre has a built-in editor that allows you to edit e-books in the most popular e-book formats, EPUB and Kindle. The editor has many sophisticated features to make editing the innards of e-books as easy and efficient as possible.
Rahulda oma iga e-raamatu vajadust ja saa tuge
It’s unlikely, but if you find out there’s a feature you need but calibre lacks it, you can use the built-in plugin explorer. Many users develop plugins to enhance and expand calibre’s features. You can browse through hundreds of plugins directly from calibre and install them with just one click.
calibre has more than 3 million active installs and lots of fans! You will never have to wait to solve any issue you might encounter: you can use the extensive help resources, or just ask members of the calibre forum.
calibre on loodud raamatuarmastajate poolt raamatuarmastajatele. Sajad motiveeritud vabatahtlikud arendavad calibret ja edastavad uuendusi regulaarselt. Enamus probleeme lahendatakse nädala jooksul. Koos iga uuendusega me parandame vigu, lisame uusi võimalusi ja teeme calibret veelgi ühilduvamaks, kiiremaks ja lihtsamaks.
calibre started life on 31 October, 2006, soon after the release of the SONY PRS-500, the first e-ink based reader to be sold commercially in the US.
At the time, I was a graduate student, with a lot of time on my hands. The PRS-500 did not work at all with Linux, my operating
system of choice, so I decided to reverse engineer the USB protocol that it used, to get it working on Linux. This was accomplished
with the help of the fine folks over at and calibre was born, albeit
named libprs500
Tol ajal polnud rahuldavaid vahendeid sisu teisendamiseks LRF
-formaati, mida SONY luger kasutas, seega otsustasin
luua teisendaja, mis teisendaks levinud e-raamatute formaate LRF-iks. See teisendaja sai tohutult populaarseks ja palju paremaks, kui
(enamasti olematud) SONY pakutud. Paljud kirjastused ja sisu digitaliseerijad võtsid selle kasutusele ja hakkasid tootma
esimese põlvkonna raamatuid LRF-formaadis.
Minu e-raamatute kogu kasvades mõistsin, et selle haldamine muutus järjest kohmakamaks, seega otsustasin kirjutada libprs500 graafilise liidese, et seda kergemaks teha. Sellest kasvas välja calibre, praegusel kujul, kui põhjalik e-raamatute halduse vahend. 2008. aasta keskel muudeti libprs500 nimeks calibre. Nime calibre valis mu naine Krittika. Nimeosa libre seisab vabaduse eest ning tähendab, et calibre on vaba ja avatud lähtekoodiga toode, mida kõik võivad muuta. Sellegipoolest tuleks seda kutsuda kui cali-ber, mitte ca-libre.
Today calibre is a vibrant open-source community with half a dozen developers and many, many testers and bug reporters. It is used in over 200 countries and has been translated into a dozen different languages by volunteers. calibre has become a comprehensive tool for the management of digital texts, allowing you to do whatever you could possibly imagine with your e-book library. Reading is very important to me and one of my goals has always been to prevent either the fragmentation or the monopolization of the e-book market by entities that care solely for short-term goals. As the calibre community continues to grow, driven by book lovers, for book lovers, hopefully it will always present an alternative for people that love to read e-books and want to be in control of their own digital libraries.
Kovid Goyal
November, 2009
Abi küsimine
The best places to ask for help with calibre are the very active calibre forum at, where there are a number of friendly and knowledgeable long time users/developers of calibre. In addition, there is the calibre Facebook fan page and #calibreforum on Twitter.
Probleemidest teavitamine ja uute võimaluste küsimine
If you wish to report a problem with calibre or would like to request a new feature, the best place to do it is via the calibre Bug tracker. Be aware that calibre is developed by volunteers, which means that your bug report/feature request may or may not get attention, so if you are looking for help, the best place is the forum linked to above.
calibre on avatud lähtekoodiga rakendus, mis kasutab paljusid teisi avatud lähtekoodiga teeke ja mida arendatakse Linuxil, avatud lähtekoodiga platvormil, ja on seetõttu kasu saanud paljudelt inimestelt, kellest osa on allpool välja toodud. Ma püüdsin olla võimalikult põhjalik, kuid kui ma olen sinu panuse välja jätnud, palun anna mulle teada.
Koodi/vigade parandustega aitajad
Suvalises järjekorras:
- Marshall Vandegrift: Teegid epub2lrf, lit2oeb, oeb2mobi ja paljud täiustused html2lrf koodis, samuti teisendamise konveieri peamine raamistik sarjas 0.6.x
- John Schember: Uus calibre draiverite raamistik, mitmed kasutajaliidese täiustused ja mitmed sisend-/ väljundformaatide pluginad ning funktsioon "Hangi raamatuid"
- Charles Haley: Kohandatud veerud, salvestatud otsingud, kitsendused, juhtmevaba seadme draiver, palju muid abistamisi/ideid
- Gregory Riker: MOBI indekseerimine, kataloogid, iPad-i draiver
- Roger Critchlow: lrs2lrf esialgne sisseehitus
- Anatoly Shipitsin: fb2lrf ja fb2-meta
- Ori Avtalion and WayneD: For various bug fixes
- Tijmen Ruizendaal: For the Be Book driver
- Igor Skochinsky: For various bits of reverse engineering without which calibre would never have gotten off the ground
- Darko Miletic: Paljude uudisteretseptide eest
- Grant Drake: Paljud pluginad, kaasa arvatud programmiga avamine, internetist otsimine ja saidi Goodreads lõimimine
- Timothy Legge ja David Forrester: Kobo toe eest calibres
- Eli Schwartz: For Linux packaging efforts
- Eli Schwartz and Flaviu Tamas: For Python 3 porting efforts
- Mark W. Gabby-Li: For adding right-to-left and vertical text support to the E-book viewer
Graafika ja disain
- Nicholas Holland and the guys at Centresource: For the website design
- diaboNL: For the reader icon
- Caleb Avery and Kamil Tatara: For the calibre logo
- Jonatan Nyberg: For lots of polishing of the UI
- For various textures
Retseptide kirjutajad
Liiga palju inimesi on retseptidega aidanud, et neid siin välja tuua, kuid nende panused on suur osa calibrest.
The list of translators is available here.
Muud projektid, mille koodi/teeke calibre kasutab/viitab
- Python
- Qt
- PyQt
- rtf2xml
- poppler
- feedparser
- pylrs
- BeautifulSoup
- mechanize
- pictureflow
- lxml
- Hyphenator
- sqlite
- chardet
- podofo
- libmtp
- Python Imaging Library
- Sphinx
- django
- odfpy
- cssutils
- git
- dateutil
- dnspython
- pywin32
- python-dbus
The Launchpad, Transifex and GitHub services for providing bug, file, translation and code hosting for calibre.
Viimasena, kuid mitte vähim tähtsamana, suured tänud tegelastele saidil, et nad on loonud suurepärase kogukonna, kus me, e-raamatute armastajad, saame koonduda.
Software informer: 4,3 tärni (August, 2022)
Top Download club: 5 tärni (July, 2022)
Sooftware rating: 4,5 tärni (May, 2022)
Capterra rating: 4,7 tärni (apr. 2021)
Softonic rating: 4 tärni (apr. 2021)
MacUpdate rating: 4,3 tärni (apr. 2021)
eBool rating: 5 tärni (apr. 2017)
Softpedia rating: 4,5 tärni (mär. 2017)
File Horse rating: 5 tärni Completely safe (Jan, 2017)
CNET Editor's rating: 4,5 tärni (nov. 2009)